Handicap Parking Permit Application

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Handicap Parking Space Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
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Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, docx, Max. file size: 80 MB.

    Penalties: Any individual who submits a false application or violates any provision of Ordinance #366, upon conviction, will be fined $600.00 and costs, or imprisonment of not more than ninety (30) days or both. Each application submitted shall constitute a separate offense.

    I the above signed have read the penalties provision and understand the consequences of falsifying this application request

    MM slash DD slash YYYY

    For Official Use Only

    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Application Fee $25.00 (Non-Refundable)
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Annual - Non-Refundable Fee $100.00
    MM slash DD slash YYYY

    Fee will be prorated if application starts mid-year.